Friday 1 July 2011

My Holiday! part 1

This summer I'm not going back to my hometown. Well, at first I thought I would have a job here and earning money is better than spending. Sadly, I didn't get those jobs I wanted and end up with doing nothing in this red dot island, Singapore.

Actually, I'm not really doing nothing (of course! at least, I sleep and eat!). Especially for last week, I made some experiments in the kitchen with Tata. :) Last Tuesday I made fried banana (pisang goreng) with some pieces of cheese inside. It was so yummy! But, I spent about 2 hours to make 20+ slices of those. I think the root of the problem is the stove. In Singapore, no open flame is allowed; so, we only have electrical stove here, which made the frying process took a long time to finish. I wish I could have my mother's stove here!

Second experiment was done today! Yay! Again, Tata and I tried to bake cookies. We used the recipe from wikihow. Some problems made us to have another long session in the kitchen. Because of the freezed butter, it took a lot of time to make the dough. The recipe also asked us to pour in some milk, which made the dough became too wet and couldn't be shaped. Desparately, we added in more flour and sugar and made our own recipe. :( Afterall, we could finally baked the dough and made some good-taste cookies! It tasted good but not very well in the texture. I think it was caused by the milk since the cookies were a bit (erm.. how to say..) bantet? Anyway, we have successfully made around 60 cookies using 2 eggs and random amount of flour, sugar, and butter. :p

Several weeks ago, we also tried to bake muffins. We used this recipe. Since it was our first try and we didn't have anything to measure (scale, cups, etc), we (again) put in approximate amount of those ingredients. We made two types of muffins. The first one was a bit, again, bantet (I really don't know the english word for this!) since we put additional egg yolk in it. Second one was over-baked, so the upper part of the muffins were removed and fortunately we could saved the other part! We made about 12 muffins and we gave it to some of our friends who were preparing for their special-sem exams.

Sadly, I don't have the photos to show you! :( Maybe later I can ask Tata to send it to me.

I think I should baked more cakes and try to make a birthday cake for my special someone whose birthday is in this July. Do I have enough time? Well, let's see...
Ah, another problem, it took a looooot of money to buy those ingredients! Gosh... Can I have some sponsorship? :p